Because every time I hear his voice, I want goose bumps on
my neck,
Every time he holds my hand in his, I should feel as if he is holding not only my hand, but
my his whole life,protected from the whole wide world out there.
Every time when the world let me downs, because I don’t belong
in the normal group I want his word to
soothe off my pain, to tell me it is not a crime to be different, that I am OK
in my nutty way.
Every time I get this crazy urges to dance in the rain, lie
down on my roof and gaze at the moon, or
completely lose myself in the midst of a sea of evergreen trees I want someone
who will not just join me CZ he has to, but becoz he enjoys the crazy stuff as much as I do.
Every time , he looks at me I want to see through his eyes
what my dad sees, his own little princess( though I can be categorised nowhere
near small nor a princess)
Because every time even when I think of him, time should
stop momentarily, the world stop spinning and I would be flying without wings.
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