HMMMMMMMMMMMMM coudn't write for some time as I was buried up to my neck in the mundane activities of my life. But I guess that is not a really good excuse, because I have heard that once writing becomes your passion you can go on without meals yet cannot refrain from the jotting down of words into a wonderful creation.Any way, part of the blame has to go to my recurrent mood swings. There are times when I feel so lucky that I am a sensitive person. I believe that being a sensitive person I live through the stories I watch and read letting that joy and warmth seep in to my soul, letting my tears to fall freely when someone dies or lovers have to depart. It is only sensitive people like us who can really enjoy these stories. Yet when it comes to real life there are times when I hate the fact that I am sensitive since it makes me extremely vulnerable to breaking down. Last week i made a vow that I am never again going to let anyone near my heart. I get attached to people too much i guess and in the end Iam alone with my heart shattered to pieces. Every time that happens I vow that it would be the last time, but it has never been so up to now. So, I really hope, this time I will not end up with a broken heart. I feel it in my bones and it is really weird.I have chosen the most unlikely person to be my friend but amazingly he is proving to be exactly what I expect. How glorious it is to feel happy. I had almost forgotten the feeling when hope came in , in the most unexpected attire. Fingers crossed, I stay, please please, let this friend stay.
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